Saturday, September 6, 2014

Back to Reality!

I've had an amazing summer. After finding out that I passed A2 (another miracle of God!), I flew home to the U.S. for 5 weeks and visited with family, friends, church members and neighbors. It was awesome. I took each of the grandkids somewhere special for their birthdays, and was privileged to attend the 1st birthday of my youngest grandchild. It was a little touch and go with Emma at first, but by the end of the vacation she had gotten to know me and would let me play with her and hold her. Hope she doesn't forget me while I'm gone again. The older grandkids know me so well, that we can Skype and Facetime, and keep the relationship going, but it's hard with the baby. Well, God knows this, and He will handle all those details in His time. I had a wonderful time, but was actually ready to come back to France. The goal of going to Africa is getting close, and I'm getting more excited. At the same time I'm a little nervous because I don't feel like I have enough French under my belt to be able to teach in this language. Again, I am having to trust God to get me to that point. I started B1 this week. So far, just review from A2. We have a new student in the class that is a physician, and served at Bongolo Hospital several years ago, so I'm enjoying talking to him. Tomorrow I start teaching primary school age sunday school at the French church. It's been a while since I taught sunday school, and am looking forward to it. It's a good way to get more involved with people at the church and speak more French, and get to know the kids of the people here. I have decided to spend the fall teaching Matthew 5:3-14 (the beatitudes). Pray for me as I try to impart the truth of this wonderful passage to these young hearts and minds. Well, that's all for now. I so appreciate all your thoughts and prayers, as I come back to reality and continue the journey of language learning.

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